Saturday, December 12, 2009

LASIK Surgery Melbourne

When it comes to laser eye surgery, there are many types of different procedures that can be done. One of the most common procedures is Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, or LASIK surgery.

LASIK surgery is actually the combination of two techniques used to correct refractive error. One of the techniques is when a thin flap on the cornea is lifted back and preserved by the use of a micro-keratome. The underlying cornea is then sculpted into a new shape, correcting the refractive error by use of an excimer laser. Using these two techniques repositions the flap and allows it to adhere on it's own within minutes without the need for sutures. This type of laser eye surgery results in quick and painless vision recovery, and enables patients to drive and even return to work within 24 hours of having the surgery. The results of LASIK surgery will usually provide corrected vision that will last a lifetime.

There is also a customised LASIK surgery known as Wavefront treatment, or CustomEyes. The Wavefront laser technology that is used maps the visual characteristics and unique shape of a patient's eyes to uncover subtle imperfections and help develop a LASIK procedure that will be customized to correct them. The range and detail of a patients refractive errors will be assessed so that the best solution to correct the vision can be provided.

An excimer laser is also used in other laser eye surgery procedures such as Epilasik, LASEK, and PRK(Photorefractive Keratectomy). These procedures are likely to be used instead of LASIK surgery because a patients cornea may be too thin for other surgery procedures. These types of surgery do not penetrate as deeply into the surface of the eye.

The layer of cells covering the cornea is the epithelium. Using PRK, the epithelium is removed and the cornea is sculpted by the excimer laser to correct the refractive error. Unlike LASIK, the recovery time will be at least three to four days.

LASEK surgery actually attempts to preserve the epithelium. In this type of laser eye surgery the epithelium is loosened and then peeled back to expose the cornea. The cornea is then reshaped by the excimer laser and the epithelium is then placed back into position. While recovery time is quick, there will be more discomfort than what is experienced with LASIK surgery.

Epilasek surgery is similar to LASEK surgery, but the epithelial cells are not damaged by chemical loosening. While recovery time is quick, Epilasek surgery patients will also deal with more discomfort than a LASIK procedure.

If you are considering undergoing LASIK Surgery in Melbourne, consult your doctor to discuss the procedure which best suits your needs.